Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Home, Sweet Home...?

I have four finals and six days to go until I go home for Christmas break. And don't get me wrong, I'm psyched. I've been counting down to break basically since the semester started, and I can't wait to get out of here. But the more I think about going home, the more I think about how weird it's going to be. Sure, it will be really nice to spend time with my family and to relax. But I have very few good friends left who still live in Darien. It will be like going back to my old life, except not. I don't live with my family primarily anymore. I will from now on spend more months out of the year here in Germany (or wherever I end up after this year). I'm in college, and I'm supposed to be somewhat of an adult. And when I think about it, I've come to associate my little apartment with the idea of "home." Maybe I'm crazy.

Anyway, finals are doing all they can to kill me. I have four (of six) finals in two days. And I should be super stressed, and I sure I am somewhere in the back of my mind, but I really don't feel it. I really don't care. I'm just so focused on going home that it's not even bothering me. The fact that I'm thinking of transferring next year anyway doesn't help either. But I just can't get motivated.

I feel like this was a waste of a post. Sorry.

Friday, December 4, 2009

J'aime Paris! (And other random thoughts)

So for the better part of this past week, I was in Paris visiting a good, old friend. It was so amazing! He's French, so I didn't have to deal with the language barrier or nasty looks from Parisians, PLUS I got to see a ton of cool stuff that wasn't super touristy. We went to all the big ones: Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, but we also saw the Musee d'Orsay and a really cool Salvador Dali exhibition. I also met a lot of his friends, which was really fun. The weather wasn't that great, but it really didn't matter. Paris is such an amazing city. I never fully believed anyone before, but now I whole-heartedly agree. I'm dying to go back. Plus it was really nice to spend time with my friend: he's one of my best and it was nice talking to someone from home who really knows me well.

I love that I can go to Paris for four days, and have it be no big deal. I love that I can take day trips to Hamburg and Hannover, and that I could go for Milan for a weekend if I wanted. I love being in Europe. I love my friends and my life here. I can't imagine going back to the States. If only it wasn't for school... Academically speaking, Jacobs is definitely not one of the best schools, at least for humanities. I've been struggling a lot with whether it's worth transferring because of it or not. Jacobs doesn't really have my major, and the program I'm in currently is really weak. My classes are alright, but not great. I'm waiting to see what happens next semester, but I'm not sure. On the other hand, I'm not sure I want to give up my social life and the ability to travel. I think that it might be more important to me right now. But we'll see.

In other news, I will be returning to the States in a little less than three weeks!! It's insane!! I really can't imagine being home, but it will be really nice. Plus I'll have a chance to make some badly needed money (!!!). It will be interesting to see some of my friends from high school, to compare experiences. I can't imagine what it will be like. I can't imagine trying to relate to them. But it will be fun, I'm sure. And it will be really nice to spend some quality time with my family. I miss them too much. Especially since it's Christmas season (and boy does it feel like it here in Germany!). The Christmas market started up here in Bremen last week, and I finally got a chance to go today with a couple of my friends. It was so much fun! Tons of typical German Christmas stuff -- decoractions, Glühwein, Schmalzkuchen, all types of wurst, and beer of course! There were lots of stalls set up selling little gifts and was so much fun, and really put my in a Christmas mood! I'm going to go back on Tuesday with my friend to do some real Christmas shopping, which should be fun. But it also really made me miss certain things about Christmas time at home, mostly decorating the house and the tree. I really can't wait to go home!