Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eid Mubarak! (like two days ago but whatever haha)

So I've been sick these past few days, which really sucks, but the highlight of my day today was going to the Eid celebration on campus that all the Muslim students threw. Even though Eid was technically like two days ago, it was really cool to learn about it. They had music, food, dancing, and shisha -- it was so much fun! It was also really cool just being there, thinking about how different my life here is than my life in the US. I don't even feel like I belong to any country in particular anymore, I just feel like a Jacobian lol. Everyone's individual cultures melt away a bit to form one, big, all-encompassing culture and community -- it's really cool.

Being sick has really sucked though. This morning I woke up and I couldn't breathe. Tomorrow I have to try and find some medicine because I can't sit through many more classes like this :(

Not much else is new. I spent like all of last weekend with my host family, which was actually really nice. I really appreciate that they always plan something to do. Sunday afternoon I went with them to their grandparents house. My host dad's brother and his wife and her parents (who are from Mexico) were there, and it was a lot of fun. I even got to use a bit of my Spanish, which was nice for a change. We all had coffee and tea and cake, but it was really nice. I played with the boys which was so fun. Jann Okke was building a "house" in their garden made out of sticks. He had planned it all out and had weaved the sticks together -- it was actually really impressive! But that's just the kind of person he is. Afterwards I went back to my family's house for dinner, and then we all sat together and played UNO which was also really fun. Enno wanted me to be on his team, and he was teaching me the colors and getting so was so cute! I really felt like a part of the family, which is so nice being so far from home.

My classes are still going pretty well. I got "kicked out" of my USC Ethics course though which sucks... There were too many people signed up so they had to kick out the people who signed up late, I guess. I'm kind of bummed but it's not a huge deal. Yesterday we had a debate in my International Institutions class which was really interesting. It was about whether international law works or not, so it was cool. I'm also still really enjoying Social Psychology. I have it again tomorrow, and it's really the only class which I actually look forward to.

No plans for this weekend yet. Actually on Sunday there is supposed to be a workshop for MUN for all the new people (me) to get to learn how everything works at the conferences. And I believe there is going to be a practice conference as well, which would be good to see/participate in.

Other than that I really don't have too much news... Lots of love to everyone at home!


  1. I have a student in my class who is Muslim and she got up and explained Eid to the rest of us. It was so cute and she was so excited. I wish that you could meet my class. We are a very diverse crew. We are untied in our love of recess and games. Playing knows no language barriers when you are six:) Girls are well. Caroline had her garage abnd concert and tried out for the school play. She wants to act or do set crew (no idea where that idea came from). Lily is as always amazing. Every time someone says anything about Germany (which happens a surprising amount) she shouts "My Ellen is there!" We love you and loved the post card.

  2. I'm glad things are going well in first grade! Sounds like a really interesting bunch. And that's so exciting about Caroline's concert! I wish I could have somehow seen it! Too funny about Lily, as usual...she always makes me smile, even some 5000 miles away :) I miss you and love you guys a lot.
