Friday, September 4, 2009

Hectic few days

These past few days have been really busy for me. Classes started this week which has been exciting but also stressful. I have no cash right now, so I haven't been able to buy the "readers" (photocopied textbooks) for my classes and thus haven't been able to do the homework. Luckily it's all due next week, but it's still stressful.

Why do I have no cash, you ask?? That would be because the lovely ATM at Deutsche Bank ATE my card. I tried to get money out and it "retained" my card for unknown reasons. I told Mom about it, and she tried to ask them why this happened, and Bank of America is basically clueless. So I'm really happy about that.... The good news is that I was still able to open my Deutsche Bank account, and my card should be here hopefully today. I also still have my bank card from People's (we never closed the account) so I'm going to try and see if I can take money out with that card. But it's just been really, really stressful (word of the day?).

In other news, I did finally switch my major and register for my classes. At the moment I'm taking 6, but I might join another because I need more credits. Right now I'm taking International Institutions, Introduction to Empirical Research (blech, required), Introduction to Social Psychology, Comparing Political Systems, Academic and Professional Skills (also required), and German. The 7th class I'm considering is called Theories of Development, which I actually attended yesterday. It's what we call a USC, or "University Studies Course". It's supposed to be a transdisciplinary course taught by two professors--one from the humanities school and one from the school of natural sciences and engineering. Jacobs requires that all students take a certain number of courses in the other school during their undergraduate career, and these "USCs" count for that. Although this class I went to yesterday really isn't transdisciplinary, lol. It seems like the course material will be really interesting, but my friends and I didn't understand about 80% of what the professors said. One is from India and has a REALLY, REALLY strong accent, and the other is from Germany but is just so impossible to understand--he talks in circles and mumbles. So I'm going to go again next week after I've done a reading before class. Hopefully that way I'll have a little more background for what we'll be talking about and I'll be able to understand more....but we'll see.

Otherwise my classes seem to be going well. It's a little hard to tell at the moment if I'm going to like them or not because it's hard to get a feel for the professors if you've only had one class where they talked about the course, requirements, grading, etc. So I'm going to hold judgement for now until I've had some "real" classes.

The good news is that I don't have class on Fridays!! So last night my friends and I hung out. We had a couple beers, watched a movie (Role Models, lol), and then headed over to the campus bar to check it out (it was the first "rock" night). Unfortunately, I suspect a lot of my friends had trouble getting up for their 8:15 classes this morning hahahahh. But it was a lot of fun.

Today I'm going to go see if I can get cash. I also received a package which could either be really exciting, or really depressing--it's either my cell phone, or a textbook lol. So I have to go pick that up. A couple of my friends were also talking about going to Ikea today (one of my friends is from Bremen so her parents were going to take her), which would be fun. I can't say I really need anything from there, and considering my current financial situation I'm not sure I'll buy anything, but it will be fun to go with my friends.

This afternoon there is also some kind of an annual fair in Vegesack, and we're all supposed to march there from campus wearing whatever traditional dress we have (lol). It's supposed to be sort of a typical German town fair, so it should be cool. I'll probably go for a little bit.

My friend Fabian (I lol every time I hear his name haha) invited me to have Arabic coffee with him today, and then go to some kind of rock concert/festival thing in Bremen. He was the kid I met on Facebook who was spending a year in Israel. He learned some Hebrew, and we had talked about checking out the language lab here at Jacobs to see if they had Hebrew and Arabic. He's also kind of interested in learning Arabic, so it should be fun. He seems like a really cool guy. I was talking to him for a while last night at the bar, and he was telling me all about his (mis)adventures in Egypt, etc. It sounded so cool and fun. He just seems like a really interesting person.

I'm really loving my friends here at school. We have so much fun together, and we've really gotten close. I'm loving dorm life as well. It's so cool to just wander up to the common room, meet up with friends or even people you haven't met, strike up a conversation, play some pool, etc. It's just really chill and everyone's so nice--I just really love it.

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