Sunday, August 30, 2009

Orientation week is coming to a close...

...and I'm actually really happy about that. I want to really get settled and start my classes. Right now it's like we're all waiting in limbo: we've all left home, and we're living on campus, but we're not quite students here yet and we haven't really started our lives here. Maybe I'm just impatient.

It's been a really long week. I haven't been sleeping so much because there have been parties almost every night. I feel like I have to go to them because I want to meet people and I don't want to be stuck at home alone, but at the same time, I'm really tired. So I'm kind of anxious for the semester to start haha. This week has also felt really long I guess because of all the orientation activities we've been doing--they've been keeping us quite busy. We had a realllyyy long, 6 hour "intercultural workshop" on Friday, most of which was useless for me because I heard it all from AFS. But it was ok because that night we got to go out in Bremen which was really fun. I went with a group of my friends to a bar, and then to a club to dance. We didn't get home until around 3, but it was worth it. It was so different from the one was trying to get wasted, we were all just having a good time. I'm sure this is not the case at most of the American colleges hahah.

I've become really close friends with a few girls which is really nice. The other day we had some down time (finally) and we were all a little lonely and homesick, so we got together in one of my friend's rooms to watch a movie. It was really fun, and nice to talk with people who were feeling the same things.

I'm still trying to figure out how to switch my major. It's really become stressful for me which I'm not happy about. Hopefully I'll meet with my academic advisor tomorrow and talk to her about it. I'm hoping that since the semester hasn't even started yet, I'll be able to switch without having to go through all the bureaucratic paperwork. If not, I have to get three different signatures from people I've never even heard of lol (who is my program coordinator?for example lol). I just hope I'll be able to get it done in time to register for my classes.

Tomorrow I also have to get my German health insurance (which hopefully, *crosses fingers*, won't take too long), AND go to Bremen to open my bank account. So I'll be fairly busy haha. I also still would like to do a bit more shopping, just to make my room feel a little more like a home lol. Hopefully I'll be able to get it all done.

Yesterday was really fun. In the morning we had a scavenger hunt in Vegesack (the nearby town) which was supposed to teach us how to get around off campus. It was good because I found out where the mall is so I can go shopping. Last night was the school-wide barbecue, which was really fun. Everyone's host families came, as did mine. I showed them around my room, and the boys had fun running around the dorm haha. After that we went down to the library where the barbecue was and got food. It was much better than the food they've been serving in the colleges hahah! I really love my host family, they really treat me like family. As we were walking back to where they had parked, Mömke was counting to make sure all the kids were there, and she was like "one, two, three, four, all my kids are here!" hahahah. They are so sweet. Next weekend I'm going to go to their block party: it's like a celebration of 40 years of their street, so it should be fun.

As for today, we're supposed to go into Bremen for a tour this afternoon. I've already seen a lot of Bremen, but it should be fun, and it will be nice to get off campus all the same lol.

More updates in a few days, I'm sure!

OH! One last thing. I've finally gotten a taste for how crazy Bremen's weather really is. These past two days have been cooler (in the 50s and 60s). One minute it'll be beautiful outside: sunny, blue skies, the whole shebang. Then the wind will pick up, the clouds roll in, and it starts to pour. Twenty minutes later, we're back to sunny skies. Rinse, lather, repeat. All day. What the hell?!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ellen! It sounds like you're settling in and having some fun too. Since it's your first time there, I'm glad it met with your expectations and you really like your host family. It's nice that you have a group of girls to hang with while you're out and about or like you said just watching a movie. Good luck changing your major and the remainder of this transition and starting your classes! You will probably feel like you've been there forever within a week or two. I'll be enjoying your blog and thinking of you. Love ya, Aunt Beth
