Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Days at Jacobs

It's been a hectic couple of days, but I'm moved in and in the process of unpacking and settling into my dorm. I'm living in the newest dorm which is pretty nice, and I really like my room. I have my own room with a armoire/closet thing, a desk, and some shelves. The nice thing is that all the furniture, including my bed, has a ton of extra space (like drawers, shelves, etc.) so I can actually fit allll my stuff in my (kind of) small room hahaha. I still have a lot of unpacking to do though, we haven't had a whole lot of free time yet.

They're keeping us pretty busy with lots of orientation activities, but it's not so bad. I've been meeting a bunch of people, and everyone seems really nice. I finally got a chance to talk to my roommate tonight (we had been missing each other a bit these past two days haha) and she's really nice, so I'm happy. I have to admit it was hard to say goodbye to Dad tonight though. I'm just the kind of person that likes routine. I don't like changes (esp. big ones like, oh I don't know, going to school in Germany lol) or surprises. But I think once I really find my friends and start classes next week, I'll get into more of a routine and it'll start feeling more like a home.

This weekend I think I'm going to try and go to Vegesack (which is close by where there's a mall and some other shops I think) to buy some school supplies and other little things I forgot. Plus I want to get more of a feel for the area around campus. It would be nice not to have to go into Bremen every time I need toothpaste or whatever hahaha.

There's a lot more that's been going on, but it's late and I didn't get much sleep last night. I'll update tomorrow maybe with more detail. But to sum up, so far things seem to be going pretty well. I'm trying to stay optimistic and I know that I'll feel better once I settle in more. :)


  1. Great to hear all these things from another Jacobian! That's exactly the feeling I had about Jacobs a year ago. Enjoy O-week as much as possible. If you live in Nordmetall, does your room have a nice panorama over the cemetery ?
    Glad to hear you'll study ISS, then your twice my colleague;) See you around after O-week!

  2. Wow, so many adventures in this family right now (both large and small). It sounds like you are settling in nicely. We are well here. I am all set to teach first grade and Caroline is ready for middle school. We're proud of you!
