Friday, August 21, 2009


Today we arrived in Bremen around noon after a very long trip. The flights weren't too bad, but neither Dad nor I slept much. Once we got to Bremen my host parents picked us up and brought us to our hotel. They are so sweet and nice and helpful--they brought me some maps of Bremen, a book about Bremen with lots of nice pictures, and were just very warm and welcoming in general. We didn't spend too much time with them, mostly because we were exhausted and gross from the travel, so we said goodbye and came back to our room to pass out for a couple hours lol!

When we woke up we decided to head downtown to check out a cute, historic section called the Schnoor. There are all these cute old buildings and tiny cobble-stoned streets with all sorts of shops and bars and restaurants--very cool. After walking around for a bit we decided to get some dinner at this little Italian restaurant, and it was very good. After dinner we came back to the area around our hotel and took a little side trip to the Hauptbahnhof (train station) which is basically a smaller, cooler Grand Central haha. It was actually fun to see all the different kinds of shops (bakeries, coffee shops, bratwurst stands, and numerous stores selling all sorts of Werder Bremen gear!).

Tomorrow we are going to head back downtown to do a little bit of shopping for stuff I'll need for school. We're also going to try and get me a cell phone. Then tomorrow afternoon we're going to take the train to go to my host family's house for lunch which should be really fun!

Overall it's been a good first day/introduction to Bremen, and the more I walk around, the more anxious I become to settle in, learn my way around, and start learning German haha! I think I'm going to have a really good time here. :)


  1. Oh Ellie, I'm loving this! I think it is wonderful for you to keep up this blog. Just as Luke did when he went to Germany and like old-fashioned journal keeping, by writing often, your feelings and experiences and personality really come through! It's a lovely way to share your experience. Thank you for taking time to share with all of us! Love Mom

  2. Ellen, This sounds wonderful. We are glad that you made it safely. Did you end up getting a Kindle, afterall? I hope that you have a nice time with your host family. When do your classes start? We are sending you lots of love and best wishes!

  3. I didn't get a Kindle after all. I decided to wait and see how much free time I have to read, and then to wait for the price to drop if I decide I really do want one. But I was able to try one from our local library, and it was SO COOL! Totally a book lover's gadget lol :).
    My host family is so amazing! If I have time (and a good chunk of time with functioning internet haha) I'll post another update. Dad and I spent the whole day with them today touring and it was so fun. They are so nice and so much fun to be around.
    I have about a week of orientation until classes start on Sept. 1st, so I've got some time to see a bit more of the city and get things organized.
    I love you too! Please give the girls and Rob my love too!
